The Inspiring Muse Award – Dec 2018

#JIRogers #IndieAuthor #Inspiration #Muse #Award #Blog #Poet #Share #Motivation #Writing #Art #CommunityService @gibsonauthor

The Brief History of ‘The Inspiring Muse Award’

I’ve been ‘Shamelessly Promoting Someone Else’ for as many years as I’ve been online and I decided to take it one-step further. Despite the internet’s reputation for trolls, I’ve found that I interact with a brilliant collection of people on a daily basis. Each offers a gift whether it’s art, knowledge, a story, or just a well-timed joke. I wanted a way to thank them for inspiring me that was less impermanent than a typed ‘thank you’.

This is a personal award that I bestow on people who I feel are excellent examples of different aspects of the creative community, or of humanity in general. Anyone I interact with is eligible to receive it, and it is awarded once each month.

The Inspiring Muse Award - lg size

December’s winner is S. A. Gibson for his enthusiastic support of writing collaborations and generous nature. Through him, I’ve been introduced to many talented authors, collaborated on a short story, and been promoted with him. His unique, post-apocalyptic series is a must read.
Visit his page on Facebook: AuthorGibsonLA
Also on Facebook: ProtectedBooks
Twitter: @gibsonauthor

Cheers all,

J. I. Rogers

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